
2.4 Humming sound and the magic of bees 29

The throat friction is designed to achieve an alchemical transformation of the larynx and start tapping from its creative power. In particular, in the Clairvision style of inner alchemy the larynx is used extensively to give shape and to 'densify' various structures of the body of energy, as you will start experiencing with the practices of Chapter 3.

2.4 Humming sound and the magic of bees
Sit in a meditation position, with your back extremely straight.
Become aware of the cervical part of the spine, in the neck, and aim for a perfectly vertical position aligned with the rest of the back.
Keep your eyes closed.
Become aware in the larynx.
Start chanting a continuous humming, buzzing sound, making your throat vibrate. Make the sound while both exhaling and inhaling. Make short inhalations and long exhalations.
Remain aware of the physical vibration generated in your larynx by the buzzing.
Continue the practice for a few minutes. Then remain silent and motionless for a few more minutes, just feeling the vibration in the throat.

• This technique can be quite intoxicating. If practised long
enough, it induces a slightly exhilarating altered state of consciousness. The effect is strongly reinforced by being aware in the third eye at the same time, according to the principles developed in the next chapter.
• One way of practising this exercise is to make your humming sound resemble the buzzing of a bee. Then the practice becomes the bhrāmarin technique of Hatha-yoga. If this proves difficult, don't worry. Any humming sound will do, provided you create a tangible vibration which you can feel when placing your fingers on the protuberance of the larynx.
Bees, who are great experts in humming/buzzing sounds, are highly alchemical little creatures. Their connection with the sexual energy of plants is easy to observe. For instance, they help many plants to reproduce, by carrying pollen (the plant equivalent of semen) from one to another. They take the nectar from the reproductive parts of plants and turn it into honey.


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